Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Brand Called ....YOU!!

If you were an ice cream, what would you be??? A Feast - Something rough on the outside but complete mush chocolate from the inside.... or a Gelato -sinful, extravagant and something to savour and aspire for.... or then are you Ben & Jerry's - quirky, fun loving, and full of goodness... or the eternal ol' Baskin & Robbins - predictable, a little boring, but oh - so dependable?

But if you were to identify - after you stopped wondering whats wrong with me... of course with this analogy, you clearly understand the power of brands. After all, ultimately, what's an ice cream? Just a frozen confection of milk and sugar, with some additional flavours thrown in. Do a blind - taste test of all these brands, and Im sure 7 out of 10 people won't be able to tell their Gelato from Baskin's...But such is the lure of the images brands help create, that just the name is evocative of a distinctive attribute: be it class, quality or cost.

But then, you'd have to be really naive to still believe - if you did - that the brand is about the product. Branding is all about Product Perception. Its about creating an identity and image to reach the decision - preferably favourable and when that product is YOU..... Its even more critical. The branding process has to be so perfect that the decisions can't be, anything but, in your favour.

That in a nutshell, is the premise of Peter Montoya's - "The Brand Called YOU." It's being touted as the definitive guide to personal branding, which in turn is "the most powerful success & personal impact tool ever devised." A sunshine concept that I have definitely woken up to, in this world of competetive differentiating advantages.

Fulsome praise coming from me, indeed, but it begs the question: what is a PERSONAL BRAND? Montoya has appended a helpful little glossary at the end of his book. according to that, a personal brand is "a personal identity that stimulates precise, meaningful perceptions, in it's audience about the values and qualities that the person stands for, personally and professionally."

And before you ask, NO, its not the same as advertising and PR. The purpose of creating a personal brand is not to make you famous, emphasizes Montoya. It's about enhancing your sphere of influence, because that's what generates wealth. Of course, you may become famous, but that's just a welcome extra, not the ultimate goal.

A personal brand is about keeping you, and everything about you at the top - of - mind, telling people that you can create value and helping business come to you, rather than having to scout for work. it sounds like a sterile way of doing business... that's because it is!!! But it's a reflection of reality. People are commodities... just like soaps and steel - and YOU and your most valuable asset. (Ask this dude called VIJAY MALLYA... who wants to live life kingsize.... If you have any doubts on this one... or.... how about SIR RICHARD BRANSON or someone something called DONALD TRUMP!!)

Citing case studies of orthodontists, realtors, commercial photographers and personal injury lawyers, Montoya lists several strategies, from the obvious (Like having a pesonal blog, or a website, or just simple way of paying attention to the person who's talking to you!!)

Well, now I dont mean to tell you intricate details on "How to..." but would just urge you to just pause and introspect. Don't just run the rat race... as they say, that even if you win, you're still a RAT!! The world has woken up to key differentiatiors, and the theory of competitive advantage. Everyone is looking for that "Something Different"...... Remember Admiration Fades... Love Endures!!...... Products Sell... Brand Live On...

Let you... the "BRAND YOU" live on in the minds of everyone around you, by doing the ordinary things which often lead to extra ordinary results, something small like wishing people on special days, sending them personalised e mail / greeting rather than just a "fwd" which all of us hate to see in our mailbox. A pleasant SMS or phone call to your long lost friend or an acquaintance. A birthday greeting to your customer / boss / co worker will definitely go a long way in moulding a legendary BRAND YOU...

I don't want to preach any futher, else I'd come accross like a mother sending her child off to boarding school: But yea, Montoya, through his book doesn't just hold your hand, he clutches it and drags you UP, from your current state of being!! Of Course... if you're good, you'll get the Ice Cream too!!!

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