Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Write... Pray!

I want to write. Mostly because I want to be read. Truthfully, because I want to be understood. I love writing because it leaves no scope for an instant response. You might feel the reaction to my writing instantly but you cannot relay it back to me in the same instant. It is perhaps the most escapist in me that loves writing more than the expressionist in me. There's a constant battle. You can at times, listen to respond but you always read to read and understand.  

What I love about writing is that it that it precludes the precondition of a response. Writing is a silent prayer I put out into the world. Let the worthy receive it and be blessed. Let me be blessed by the prayers others put out.... This esoteric confluence of souls through words perhaps is the greatest gift of life... We must cherish it. 

Have you written something lately? Pray! 

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Write... Pray!

I want to write. Mostly because I want to be read. Truthfully, because I want to be understood. I love writing because it leaves no scope fo...