Saturday, February 23, 2008

Small is BIG!!

This is a thoughtful piece I came accross, hence felt like sharing it....
For years we were told to think BIG. And so we did. So our buildings became taller, our spacecrafts flew higher, our wars grew deadlier and somewhere in all this mayhem our egos became bigger until early January, this year the NANO happened. This small meaning car made us wake up to a simple fact that "Small is BIG"

If, as they say, "Little drops of water make the mighty ocean" and the "Little grains of sand make the pleasant land" then how about little changes we can make to make a BIG difference.

For Instance,
That one drop of water not wasted..
That one appliance not left 'On' mode when not in use...
That one extra mark that can help a child pass an exam..
That one word of encouragement that can build hope..
That one smile that assures us that everything is fine..
That one minute of prayer to thank God for his kindness...
That one moment of self - control when we are angry..
That one bottle of blood that can save a life...
That one simple test for Thalassemia that can save a life from misery...
That one extra effort to spend time with an aged parent..
That one dip into the pocket to give someone who has less..
That one moment to ask ourselves why we are doing what we are doing...

If each one of us can achieve even one of these things, then we can assure ourselves that it might be one "NANO" step for man, but one giant leap for mankind!!! Thats why.. "Small is really BIG"

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